Plastic sheds: Deal with Your Storage Issues Now!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

By Marielle Solidum

Ever thought about buying a garden shed? What's holding you back? If you want storage but don't want the hassles that it takes along, then plastic shed is the solution that you're looking for.

If you'd like storage but don't want the issues required along, then plastic shed might be the answer that you're trying to find. They are offered just like a do-it-yourself package so everything you should do is always to stay with the straightforward instructions and you are simply on your journey to the space for storage you've always wanted for. No requirement of the very long time preparation, ignore time wasted in pre-planning and construction. Aside from their availability inside your local stores, to keep your the identical item web have it shipped for the doorstep the very next day. Plastic sheds may also be less costly as compared to the options - the wooden and metallic sheds.

Plastic sheds are often produced from molded and high plastic with polyethylene and PVC. These products are less costly than sheds that are manufactured from metal. The PVC resin plus Ultra violet resistant polyethylene are utilized while creating plastic outside shed. Individuals materials are utilized to result in the shed durable and lighter. Additionally, it helps make the shed more resistant against chips and dents as in comparison to materials utilized in making wooden shed. An additional advantage of possessing this piece is it's not vulnerable to termite pests unlike wooden sheds. Additionally, you won't ever worry of decaying, rusting and damage triggered by bugs that will raise the price of the constant maintenance. Plastic sheds could be maintained and washed easily. If you're searching for an ideal space for storage that won't require any extra cost when it comes to maintenance, choose the plastic sheds. Other purpose of plastic sheds is really a venue where other leisure activities can be achieved. Individuals are more into buying this kind of storage because apart from being easy to maintain, plastic sheds will be ready to use. All that should be done would be to buy the shed online or using your store and it'll prepare yourself in a couple of days. More often than not for wooden and plastic sheds, construction must be done. Plastic sheds however has a guide how the pieces may be put together. Your shed may also function as perfect spot for outside activities for example barbecue party. Sports utilities and swimming supplies may also be placed inside. Whether it's for storage or being an extension of your house, it's possible to never underestimate the objective of this shed.

Whether it is a wooded, metallic or plastic, sheds are becoming a necessity to most households rather than a piece of design that can be placed in the backyard. If you don't own one yet, now is the best time for you to purchase one.

Start cleaning your backyard and begin organizing your tools now. You can test by searching the web and search for your shed that you simply think is suitable for you personally. Look into the cost, pick the design, weigh your choices. Don't hurry yourself but make certain that whenever the factors made, you'll finish up purchasing one.

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Learn How to Move A Garden Shed

By Marielle Solidum

There will come a time when you will feel that your storage shed is no longer fit and when this time comes, moving your storage will be your best solution. Before moving your shed, make sure that you have the right equipment you will need in the process.

How will you know if it is time to move?

Moving a garden shed is necessary when you think it is on the wrong spot, when you decide to change its purpose or if you think it is not safe to leave your garden shed on a specific area. You can also move your shed if you want to. Other people move their sheds to easily access the shed. When you are moving a garden shed, there will be factors that may help you determine if moving a garden shed is actually necessary. These factors will also help you choose where to place the shed. Remember that moving a garden shed is not easy when you are alone. You might need extra hands for the task.

For individuals who have already decided to move their shed, the initial step you have to do is always to prepare your shed. The general rule is clearly to empty your garden shed. Take everything out. When your shed has already been emptied, you need to spend some time and look at the sturdiness of the shed. Make sure that your shed could be moved without breaking. You need to strengthen various spots by putting wooden braces especially around the doors and windows. Create a brace shaped like an "X" beneath the flooring to avoid racking. This can also help support the shed when it's lifted up. The following factor would be to put jacks beneath the floor beams. You need to be careful in moving your garden shed because wrong movements could cause permanent damage. This could waste your time money and effort because you will end up repairing or perhaps changing your garden shed instead of just moving it.

You may think that the process is complicated but it is not if you make sure that all the things are set. Moving your garden shed is similar to planning what to prepare for supper, it is like planning for the presentation. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you be successful in following your plans. Others would produce a plan A and prepare a plan B. It is good to possess a back-up plan so that if something goes wrong while following plan A, you may still proceed in moving your garden shed by following the back up plan. Again, it is not necessary to complete everything by yourself. A great idea would be to prepare a budget for hiring extra hands and extra equipment you will be using before you proceed with your plan.

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Basic Tips On DIY Aquaponics

By Samuel R. Stevens

Aquaculture and hydroponics are the two most popular food production systems today. The later is the cultivation of vegetables and fruits with water as the propagation media. Aquaculture on the other hand is raising of aquatic animals like crayfish, snails, prawns and other fish. Some people have gone a step further and combined the two. In this case, the environment is symbiotic - there is no accumulation of waste products as it is used by the other group. There are a number of DIY aquaponics you might find useful.

There are several species of fish which are preferred in hydroponics. Some are reared for human consumption whereas others as pets. These include the tandanus and eel-tailed catfish, Murray cod, jade perch, barramudi, silver perch and goldfish. Plants which thrive well here are lettuce, melons, onions, beans, turnips, sweet potato, Chinese cabbage, strawberries and radishes.

You will need a number of items to successfully set up the system. Your list should include a pond bin for the fish. This should have a capacity of about 200 - 300 liters. Other items to be included are a grow tub, a grow bed, extension cable (waterproof), a surge protector, air pump, wire gauze to keep away prey, a hose pipe, a pH testing kit and the finger-lings to be introduced into the system.

The first step recommended is digging up a hole in which your fish tank will be placed. It has to be partially submerged in water so as to maintain the optimal temperatures for the fish. The spot identified should be shaded away from the sun in order to reduce loss of water by evaporation.

Place the grow tub which has small holes drilled underneath it diagonally over the fish tank. This makes it easy for you to pump water and control its circulation between the two tanks. The tiny holes in the grow-tub allows penetration of water back to the hydroponic system. The pond pump should be connected to an automated surge protector.

After chlorinating the water and leaving it for an hour, introduce fish. In the grow tub, add clay or gravel which is the propagation media. Other than transplanting seedlings, you can soar seeds, they will germinate. Your system is ready.

Maintaining an aquaponics system is simple. All you have to do is make sure the water levels do not dwindle. Get rid of biomass waste such as feces from insects and birds. Supply the plants with supplements. For more details on this topic, type in the keywords DIY aquaponics in your web browser. Go through the results displayed.

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How to Grow a Pea Eggplant

There are many types of eggplants and they come in a wide variety of different colors such as purple, orange, white, or streaked. They can be cylindrical, peak-shaped and have a wide variety of different tastes. Pea eggplants are very small and they look like green peas, hence their name. They tend to cluster in groups of 10 to fifteen eggplants. These eggplants have a rich strong eggplant taste. They are useful in stir-fry dishes, for pickling, in curries, and in soups. These eggplants are quick growing and they can add variety to any meal.

Steps To Grow Pea Eggplants

Step One

To grow eggplants you need a good hot summer and then need plenty of drainage and hot sunlight. They like the humid and hot days more than other vegetables. Since they are small they are quick to grow with about 10 weeks until harvest time. Once they are ripe the yield tons of fruit. The more sunshine and hot weather you have the better these planets will grow.
Start indoors about 6-8 weeks before you plan to plant them outside. Start the seeds inside as direct seeding in the ground isn't recommended. You can do this if you have temperature above freezing all year. The seedlings suffer shock when transplanted so use small 2-4 inch containers. Put about 2-3 seeds in each tray. A room temperature of at least 72ÂşF is ideal. Use a sunny window or plant lights once they begin growing.

Step Two

You can grow this type of eggplant in a pot if you wish but be sure you have a good potting mix. Prepare the soil before you plant the eggplant seedlings. Plant your seedlings before the hot weather sets in so they will have time to grow. You should use some manure in the soil for fertilizer before you plant the seeds. If you have acidic soil use dolomite or lime for a dressing and then add potash which will encourage your eggplants to flower. Make sure they can get 6-8 hours of sunlight each day for optimal growth.

Step Three

As the fruit grows be sure to water the plants at regular intervals so they will keep growing through the autumn as well. Trim back large clusters of ripe fruit as the eggplants will start to weight the plants down once they have enough fruit on them. Cut the stem so it's short and watch out for the sharp spines on the leaves. Cover plants at night if it gets cool and then take this off once the sun comes out again. Use insecticide to control pests.

Step Four

Don't leave your pea eggplants on the plants for too long as they will go brown and die. You want a shiny, glossy fruit that is soft when pressed. This tells you that the plant is ready for harvesting. Eat the eggplant within one week as they won't keep nay longer in the refrigerator. Enjoy your eggplant in a wide variety of dishes.

Please visit home vegetables blog to learn more information about growing vegetables and gardening tips. Additionally, there is a useful gardening ebook that you can download it for free.

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How to Take Care of Your Lawn All Year Round

As a homeowner, you need to know that your garden is a reflection of your personality. A well kept garden shows that you are responsible and know exactly what to do with your lawn, plants and flowers and when.
Let us tackle what you need to know about caring for your lawn all throughout the four seasons. Let us start with Spring.


This is the best time to maximize the beauty of your lawn. Fresh from a long winter, your lawn is set to turn green again. It is a sensitive time for your yard though as the soul is spongy, the weather is unpredictable and the plants are tender. You must address a couple of important gardening tasks.

1. Be very aware of the kind of grass that you have in your lawn. Determine whether they are cool-season or warm-season grasses. For example, fescue, rye, and bluegrass are cool-season whereas Zoysia, Bermuda, St. Augustine and centipede are warm-season grasses. By understanding the type of grass you have as well as the its peak, you can address your lawn accordingly.

2. You must avoid heavy yard work in the spring until the soil dries out. Hard raking and foot traffic can disturb the soggy soil which eventually damage new and tender grass shoots. The minute the soil is good and dry, give your lawn a good spring cleaning in order to encourage the growth of the grass. Remove the fallen debris and leaves and rake the fluff up in order to separate the grass shoots and decrease the possibilities of pests and diseases.

3. The type of grass you have influences when and how you should fertilize your lawn. Cool-season grasses must not be heavily fertilized during the spring. If the lawn is in bad shape, then this should be fertilized lightly with a balanced, slow release fertilizer. As for warm season grasses, you can fertilize these in late spring as soon as the lawn greens up. This is usually done in April or May.

4. Other spring lawn tasks includes aeration. This is best done during the peak's growing season. Then there is dethatching which is also done during the peak growing season, immediately right after aerating. Mowing must be done as soon as the lawn needs it and watering when the grass starts growing. Insect control and caring for your lawn equipment should also be looked into.


You have to take care of your lawn during summer more than spring, especially when you live in really hot states. The hotter the weather, the more effort you should exert in keeping the lawn intact.

1. Fertilize your lawn about 30 days before the hot summer temperature arrives. Use slow-release fertilizer that has a small amount of nitrogen. Follow the instructions carefully when applying fertilizer.

2. Water your lawn properly. The heat from the summer evaporates the water faster and because of this the grass needs more water in order to seep into the roots. Measure how much water you put your plants. Your lawn needs about 1 inch of water every week to stay healthy especially during the hot summer. Water early in the morning and in the middle of the day or night, whenever is convenient for you.

3. Keep children's swimming pools and plastic water toys off the lawn as these will smother the grass which cause brown spots.

4. Mow your grass to the right length. The average is 1 ½ to 3 ½ inches long, depending on the kind of grass that you have. The cool-season grasses must be kept between 1 ½ to 2 inches and the warm-season grasses must be kept to 2 ½ to 3 ½ inches. Rather than mowing weekly or biweekly, you can mow when the grass grows beyond the ideal height. Mow the lawn early in the morning or in the evening as opposed to the hottest time of the day.

5. Tackle the weeds the minute you see them growing. Use spot-treatment weed control product that is designed for lawns. Use this sparingly so that you do not burn the grass.


Autumn is the harbinger of winter but this does not mean that you should not spend much time thinking about your lawn. Because it has cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall but this is the ideal time to prepare your lawn so that you have a green and lush one in the spring. Many homeowners think that this is the time when you can care less because the grass grows slower anyway. This is not true.

1. You have to continue mowing as needed especially throughout autumn. As soon as the season is about to end, you already let in more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass. There will also be less leaf to turn brown during the winter.

2. Aerate the soil. Fall is the ideal time to aerate your lawn so that the oxygen water and fertilizer can reach the roots of the grass. Make sure that there are holes in the soil so that you can extract the plugs of dirt.

3. Rake the leaves. This is not fun but it is very important to remove the fallen leaves from the lawn as soon as possible. If you don't, then the leaves become wet from the morning dew and the rain and it stick together, forming an impenetrable mat that suffocates the grass and is the breeding ground of fungal disease.

4. Fertilize your lawn. If there are bald spots, this is the best time to fix it. You can use a garden rake to scratch the loose soul. Spread the thick layer of the lawn and compact the mixture. Water every other day for two weeks.


Finally, you still need to take care of your garden during the winter, especially that they are battling the cold temperature. This season is unpredictable and might even put your lawn through extreme conditions so you have to monitor the weather and keep your sidewalks clear.

1. You have to clean your lawn. Do not leave debris, dry leaves or toys out on the lawn as these smother the grass and create disease conditions. These also invite insects, mice and other damaging pests.

2. You have to mow as often as you could. It might be freezing and thawing when you do this but it should be done whenever the weeds are growing longer than normal.

3. Be aware of weather conditions. The turf is very resilient and can also tolerate extreme weather but some plants may not be able to handle this in the long run. It might be worth your while to chip away the little exposed ice in the low spot especially if a winter storm or deep freeze is fast approaching.

Taking care of your lawn all year round may require so much effort from you but you will feel the reward especially when your guests compliment your hard work. You can be the judge of your own work. If you think your garden can look better, then go out there and do what you can.

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Start to Grow Herbs Today

Why not start growing your own fresh herbs? Mainly, because fresh herbs are so much better than the dried ones you buy at the grocery store. For one thing they are stronger so their flavors are better. You will notice that difference immediately.

There are other reasons to take the plunge of growing them. For example, there is cost. The dried herbs you buy at the grocery store are at best a bit costly. Also, the longer that you have these dried herbs sitting on your shelf, the less potent they become. Dried herbs have an average shelf life of just one year. With fresh herbs, you always have them on hand and you can rely on their potency.

Two more reasons to grow fresh herbs are: 1.) it is a learning experience; and 2.) it is fun. You will learn how easy it is to grow your own herbs, indoors or outside. Also, you will learn new ways to use the herbs you grow as well. Actually, you will experience the joy of planting your herb, watching it grow, harvesting its leaves, seeds, or roots, and learning how to use them often in many different ways.

You can get started immediately regardless of whether or not you have space in a yard that you can use for an herb garden. How? Simply start an indoor garden. The good news is that you don't have depend on the weather, either. You begin anytime you choose. So, follow me along and I'll show you how.

The first thing to get started is to select where you will have your indoor garden. Do you have a sunny window location that you can dedicate to it? If you don't have such a location, that's o.k. You can use a grow light.

Once you have determined the site for growing herbs, you need to select which ones you plan to grow. My suggestion for beginners is to start small. Plan to grow only three or four different herbs. Once you have success with growing and using them, you can select others to add to your garden.

How do you select the herbs to grow? Ask yourself, "what are my favorites?" Usually, beginners will select three or four from this list.
  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Sage
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • French tarragon
  • Dill
  • Lemon balm
  • Lavender
  • Lemon verbena
  • Chervil
  • Cilantro
  • Marjoram
  • Savory
  • Bay
  • Fennel
  • Lovage
  • Oregano
The more popular ones are basil, chives, parsley, thyme, French tarragon, rosemary and mint. Years ago, as a beginner, I started with basil, thyme, rosemary, and mint.

Next, you'll need to buy three or four pots for planting. The size of the pots will depend on the size of the herb plant and the space you have chosen for them. Be sure to get a pot big enough for each plant. Also, be sure to get some saucers to go under each pot. The saucers will capture any excess water from the pots when you water the plants.

There is one elegant solution to pot selection. That is to find one big pot with pockets for each herb. That way the plants share the same pot and soil, but each have their own space in which they can grow. And often there are more pockets than the number of herbs you plan to grow. So, you have spare pockets to add different herbs later. Or you could use them all immediately. Just plant several of the pockets with the same herbs from the three or four you select.

Then, fill these pots with a good potting soil. Find a potting soil that drains easily and has plenty of good nutrients in it. Generally herbs do not like to have their roots kept in moisture because many of them experience root rot when their roots are left in standing water. That is the reason that the potting soil should drain easily.

If you don't have a sunny location for your herb plants, buy a grow light. There are several inexpensive ones available. You can buy a fluorescent tube type, or a round reflector with light bulb type. Whatever the type of grow light you buy, be sure, also, to purchase a timer. Set the grow light's timer to remain on for 14 to 16 hours a day. Thus, the timer is the best way to ensure that your plants get sufficient light each day. The grow light is turned on and turned off on a regular schedule.

You can start to grow herbs either from seed or plants. When you want to start herb plants from seed, one of the easiest ways to do it is by purchasing an herb kit. These kits usually come with everything you need to get started -- seeds, pots, soil and instructions for how to get going. It does take you longer to get to the point where you can begin harvesting from your herb plants, however.

It is much easier to start with small plants which can be found at a local nursery or on the internet. Also, herb plants are not available year round, especially during the fall and winter months.

Once you have the herb plants, the pots and the potting soil, you're ready to begin you new garden. Fill the pots to within two inches of their tops. Carefully dig a hole wider than the roots of the herb plant you are potting. Pour a small amount of water in the hole and let it settle. Carefully remove the herb plant from its small nursery pot. Then, gently place the herb plant's roots and attached soil into the hole. Gently fill in around those roots and press the soil gently but firmly down. When finished, water the plant until water starts to come out onto the saucer under its pot. Then, stop immediately. Remember this procedure and use it each time you water your herbs. It is important not to overwater them.

Other important factors to keep in mind when growing herbs indoors are air temperature and air flow. The ideal temperature for growing herbs indoors is between 60 to 70 degrees. Also, be sure there is good air circulation in the room where you grow them.

Keep in mind, too, that the air inside is much drier than the air outside. So, you need to check your herbs frequently to be sure whether or not they need to be watered. If the soil in the pots is dry to the touch, then water them. Remember to water them only until the water begins to drain out of the pot onto the saucer below it. Then, stop immediately.

Also, at least once or twice a week, use a bottle sprayer filled with water and spray your herb plants. This action will protect them from the dry air indoors and refresh them.

When you start an indoor garden from small plants, you will be able to harvest herbs from your garden within a few weeks of starting. When you are ready to harvest, just snip the tops of your plants and use the leaves from them. This action will stimulate your herb plant's growth and give you more to harvest for use later.

In this article, I have shown you how you can start to grow your own herbs immediately. I have walked you through the process for getting the materials you need to get going and shown you exactly how to start an indoor herb garden, today.

Sanford H Kirkland is the owner of SHK Enterprises, LLC, the operator of the website Plant Your Herbs. He has been growing, using, and learning about herbs for the past 39 years and is an At-Large Member of the Herb Society of America. Want to learn more about growing herbs indoors? Then, visit the Plant Your Herbs website, today.

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Three Easy Steps for Growing Tomato Plants

If you want to start growing tomato plants so you can enjoy fresh natural nutrition, this article is for you. I am going to share with you three easy steps for growing tomato plants that taste great and give you great nutrition! First I will share with you what seeds to plant. Then, I will give you the information on what your soil should be. Then I will share the basics of watering your tomatoes properly. By reading this article, you will gain a basic understanding of how to grow tomato plants naturally.

To start growing tomatoes, you will want to choose your seeds wisely. I always use heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds have been continuously saved and used for at least 50 years. They are organic and will produce the tomatoes that produce the sweetest taste and the most nutrients. Give yourself a variety to plant and try. I believe that you can get 10 varieties for $18.

Now that you have some seeds to plant, you need some soil to grow them in! To start growing tomato plants, you will to germinate the seeds by placing the seeds in small containers with a damp seed starter mix soil. Make sure the seeds are in contact with the soil. After the seeds have sprouted, you will want to transfer the seedlings into larger containers with the following traits: proper draining, good structure, proper Ph of 5.5 to 6.8., texture and organic content. If you are new, the best place to ensure that you get the right soil, is to go to your local nursery and purchase soil for growing tomatoes. That will save you a lot of time and they will answer all of your questions about your specific area.

Finally, now that you have the seeds you will grow, and have acquired the soil to grow it in, it is time to give it life giving water. You want the soil to be damp, but not soaked and drowning in too much water. Water thoroughly, to encourage the tomato roots to seek water and nutrients deep in the soil. With an extensive, deep root system, the plants will hold up better during dryspells. When watering, soak the soil to a depth of at least 15-20 cm (6-8 inches).

Water only when your plants need it. Tomatoes like moisture, but over-watering is harmful. You not only waste water, but soggy soil will prevent the roots from getting the air they need. Now that you know how to start growing tomato plants, the right seeds to choose, best soil, and very importantly how to water it properly so that you will have happy healthy tomato plants and lots of great tomatoes.

Learn more about aquaculture and organic farming by visiting us at Also if you want to make more you money with organic farming you can click here pick up our free e-book "4 Ways To Increase Your Organic Farming Profits To Pay For Dream Home"

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How to Start Your Own Compost Manure

Compost manure refers to organic materials or matter that have been made to compose by following certain procedures over a period of time to improve the soil fertility and amend the soil. Compost manure is a natural means to improve soil fertility and is prepared by collecting natural materials such as peas and beans pods, grass, maize stalks, straws, potato peelings and food leftovers. These materials are put together in a heap pit and left to decay. The materials break down into humus after a period of time and ready for use after about four months.

Important Components of Compost Manure

· Water: this is to enhance decomposition of the compost materials and to allow aeration.

· Oxygen: to ensure oxidation of the carbon hence decomposition process.

· Carbon: this is to provide energy; the oxidation of carbon produces heat that ensures decomposition is successful.

Significance of Compost Manure

· Destroying pathogens and weeds; as a result of the heat produced during the process of decomposition, the pathogens in soil such as thermophilis and mesophilis and unwanted weeds are destroyed.

· Soil conditioning; the humus and bacteria in the soil ensure aeration in the soil, oxygen,nitrogen.

· Fertilization of soil: the nutrients in the manure enhances soil fertility and and the humus hold the right amount of water hence improving soil fertility.

· Improves soil structure; that is, soil profile, water, humus, air, and the living micro organisms

· It is cheap because it uses the locally available materials

Preparation of Compost Manure

Materials needed are tools such as jembe, panga, rake, spade, organic materials, grass, bean pods, shrubs, animal waste for example cow dung, rabbit and poultry droppings and food left overs.

Water is also needed and land or site that is free from running water, away fro home but near the garden. The compost pit should be away from home because it has a bad smell.

It can be prepared by digging a pit or by heaping the materials on the ground.

Preparation of Compost Manure

Compost pit is a place where farmers make their own compost manure. Plant waste, animal manure, wood ash are put in the pit.


1. Select a suitable site.this should be a place that is so near the home but closer to the garden where the manure will be used.

2. Clear the site by cutting down the bush using a panga and a rake.

3. Prepare the pit using a jembe or spade. The pit should be 1 ft deep and of any width that the farmer wishes.

4. Collect the materials for the compost. These are grass, crop residues leaves, cattle dung, chicken, goat and sheep droppings, egg shells, ash, peas ans bean pods.

5. Put hard leaves at the base. Then put the first layer of materials you have collected. Put a layer of soil rich in organic matter on the first layer, ans the sprinkle water.

6. Repeat the above steps up to about one and half meters high.leave the hip for 3 to 4 weeks undisturbed then re-arrange the layer starting from top layer going up for another 3 to 4 weeks, repeat the re-arrangement until the 4th month and the manure will be ready for use.

7. If the material is prepare in a pit, a separate pit should be prepared so that the compost material is put there when it is changed. if it is a heap, it should be turned on the ground next to the heap.

If you are interested in starting your own compost garden and interested in buying an Australian made steel compost tumbler visit the website:

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Using Variegated Plants in the Garden

Gardeners have long valued variegated plants in the garden. The usually lighter coloured variegation is used to lift blocks of solid green foliage in planting schemes. Variegation in plants is due to two quite distinct things. The first and the simplest is pigment variegation, where the non-green parts of the leaf lack chlorophyll. This form of variegation is a mutation, but one often encouraged by plant breeders. The second is structural variegation which creates a visual effect due to the reflection of light from the leaf surface. This happens when an air layer is located just under the epidermis resulting in a white reflection. Here are just a few of my favourite variegated plants and how to use them in your planting scheme.

Euonymus japonicus is a shrub worthy of any garden. Robust and hardy it is evergreen and will provide all-year-round colour in the middle of a border or provide you with a good screen. With this plant look out for what is known as green or 'reverted' shoots which should be removed or they will take over and your plant will lose its variegation. Ivy is another often under-valued favourite. Use it to disguise unsightly walls or fencing. It also provides a lovely contrast to brighter colours in a seasonal display.

Variegated varieties of hosta are often more attractive than single colour varieties. Try 'Fire and Ice', it will light up a shady corner of any garden. Pulmonarias or lungwort are a fine group of plants that provide masses of flowers in spring with blue, pink, purple and white varieties available. This plant can be herbaceous or semi-evergreen and has velvety green leaves spotted with white.

Persicaria 'Red Dragon' is a vigorous perennial grown for its spear-shaped purple-green leaves that have a bold central splash of purple colour. The Japanese painted fern is a deciduous herbaceous plant. It is one of the most colourful of ferns with its silver-grey fronds that are dusted with purple towards the centre. The leaves are set off by purplish-red veins and stems. They will tolerate partial shade and so look stunning picking up the light in dappled shade under a tree.

Finally dead nettle or lamium adds under-stated elegance to a shady area. They make superb ground cover and have nettle-like flowers of pink, purple or white in summer. They are evergreen in all but the most severe winters and so make them an excellent choice for winter garden planters teamed with winter pansies and polyanthus.

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What You Can Do With a Portable Garage - Plenty!

A portable garage is practically the Swiss army knife of the outdoor experience. Yes, it's true -- a portable shelter is just that good. If you're looking at new ways to utilize your outdoor spaces year round, you really need to look at everything a portable garage can do for you.

You can turn it into a separate space for your vehicle to go. A lot of people turn their current garage into a second living space in order to make more room for a growing family, and that means that you have to find somewhere else for your cars to be. If you don't already have a covered space for them to go, portable garages can step in to save the day.

You want to always look at the amount of room that you have in terms of land for the portable garage to rest on. You don't want to fall in love with a specific garage, only to find that you really have no space to put it up.
Most come partially assembled so that setup is very quick -- once it's set up you won't have to move it around unless you want it to go somewhere else. So if you want to leave it on your property as a future bonus for the next owner, then you can do that. In fact, many home buyers report that they like versatile, movable pieces that can be adapted to just about any and every need they might have.

If you have older children that really like working on "messy" hobbies, a portable garage can give them cover for their work not to be destroyed by animals or even other people. Sometimes it can be hard to contain everyone's hobbies into the main house -- you just have to spread out sometimes! Portable garages and shelters take care of this very nicely.

You have plenty of different things to pursue when it comes to figuring out which portable garage is going to work for you. Take some time to look online, where the selection of movable garages is actually larger than you might imagine. Going offline can be okay in some circumstances, but you would get a much bigger selection online, at a fraction of the cost of offline stores. Things tend to be much pricier offline because over higher overhead costs.

There's nothing wrong with looking at all of the applications that movable outdoor fixtures can do for you.
If you're shopping with your spouse, it's important that both of you get something that everyone is in agreement with. The more that you focus on getting something everyone can use, the more likely it is that everyone will be happy in the long run.

What about all of the times that you've wanted to have a picnic in the backyard, but the weather just wouldn't allow it? If you want to get out of the house without really leaving home, you can always turn a clean portable shelter into picnic area for the whole family. It's a little different from what you might be used to, but when is that ever a bad thing?

As you can see, there are plenty of things to do with a portable garage -- why not pick up yours today?
A portable garage can be very useful for anyone who travels a lot. It is a great way to safeguard your car, wherever you are and in any weather condition. Click on this link to find out more.

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Life Lessons Reinforced by Gardening

Gardening often reinforces life lessons that were learned in school, at work, or from your parents. Here are a few examples:

Stay Flexible

Of course it helps to be physically flexible; but, it's even more important to be mentally flexible to be willing to see things differently, to change plans based on new information, or to reorder priorities as circumstances change.

First Things First

In his hugely popular book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven R. Covey lists putting first things first as a key attribute of effectiveness. Simply stated, putting first things first suggests that we should do what is important vs. what might seem to be urgent.

An Ounce of Prevention

Sure, it's a cliche but a lot of cliche last because there's a lot of truth to them. Gardening offers all kinds of support to the cliche that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Two activities that remind us of this truism are early season spraying of fruit trees and early season mulching of flower and vegetable gardens. Both activities take just a little bit of time, but pay off with big dividends later in the season and prevent a lot of extra mid-season work, as well.
Break Big Jobs into Smaller Pieces

We are well aware of the fact that sometimes we procrastinate when facing a big job, especially if the job includes some elements that are less than enjoyable or involve some degree of uncertainty. Big jobs are easier to start, and easier to accomplish, if we break them down into smaller pieces. The fact is that most big jobs can be broken into smaller pieces; and very few big jobs need to be accomplished in one continuous flow of effort. Fall garden clean up can be viewed this way, as a bunch of little jobs not one single task that has to be finished the same day or weekend that it's started. It makes the job much easier, and you will get started much sooner than if committed to doing it all at once.

Life Includes Some Luck

The reality of life, and of gardening, is that there's always some degree of luck involved both good and bad. Volunteers such as unplanted flowers in the vegetable garden - that offer a pleasant surprise are good luck. Weather extremes or a disease or pest, in spite of all of our preventative actions, are sometimes just plain bad luck. In life, as in gardening, we can be grateful for the good luck, and learn from the bad.

Hard Work Often Pays Off

Gardening, like life, isn't always easy. There's certainly some effort required to enjoy the rewards. (For some of us, the effort in gardening IS the reward exercise, being outside, observing the miracles of nature.) For some of us, at least parts of our gardening are work. Building and maintaining good soil takes some effort; but, the reward of having good soil is significant.

Smart Work Almost Always Pays Off

It's often been said work smarter, not harder. For example, building good soil can be hard work but, it doesn't need to be. The smart approach to building good soil is simply to add compost year after year. Of course, heavy clay soil may need to have some sand added as well. But, you don't need to dig out your clay soil and bring in loads of topsoil to replace it. That would be hard not necessarily smart work!

There's Always Something to Learn

In life, as in gardening, we'll never know it all. There will always be things to learn, mysteries to solve, and obstacles to overcome. But this is a great time to be alive and a great time to be a gardener. For one thing, the Internet has made learning a whole lot easier for most of us!

Writer for Mantis and Mantis Owners

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This Years Scorching Heat Has A Big Impact On Olathe Landscaping

By Jesse Jonliant

Olathe landscaping continues to be greatly plagued by the drought within the Midwest at the moment. It's not only difficult for localized landscaping, but additionally the country's economy, farms and also families are actually all being affected by the exceptionally low precipitation and historic increased temperatures.

Only 3in of total snowfall for 2012 was an obvious record low with regards to the Olathe Metro. We moreover went through a very dried out summer this season. There was merely 6 inches of rainfall, which made it unquestionably the driest summer we've lived with ever since 1911. Olathe is literally 13in below common currently for 2012 regarding rain fall. The abnormally large quantity of triple digit sun also a contributing aspect of suffering Olathe landscaping.

Olathe is not the only region putting up with the high-heat however. Half of the nation is in the middle of the drought with plenty of regions being made disaster areas. The years of the Dust Bowl experienced very close behaviors of dangerous weather. Plenty of locations have placed watering constraints into position thanks to record water usage through the metro area, which has brought about enjoyable landscaping to fade for many.

For several years in the future, the economic crisis will likely to be afflicted by the drought. A plant's susceptibility to illness and insects elevates, resulting in a reduction in a plant's total creation of fruit. Plants that produce fresh fruit is going to take a number of years to recover from this drought seeing that the ability to blossom will end up harmed.

Food costs are continuously increasing on account of the abnormal heat and shortage of rain. Animals do not have sufficient grass to feed on, seeing that the landscaping the animals eat from is just too dried up. Residents all around the Olathe metro are being affected by the elevated food prices.

The drought has caused once green grass and landscaping to change dead and dry looking. More than likely, that brown turf on your property is essentially only dormant. Leaves already dropping away from your trees is the perfect example. The lack of rainfall and tremendous heat can be cause for lawns and landscaping to shut down in order to save nutrition and strength. Dormant and dead can be divided by a thin line though.

As the area Olathe landscaping company, we have a couple straightforward tips for you to take care of your lawn. Regardless if the turf may be dormant, it really is necessary to water; just be certain that you decrease the amount of watering. It is a good idea to remember to water your "cool season grass" which includes bluegrasses, fescues and ryes. These kinds of turfs call for a minimum of 2" of watering each week, and improve the best somewhere in the range of 55 and 80 degrees.

It is essential to guarantee that you keep that continue on watering your yard at your house.. Investing some time to take good care of your turf this year can make a major impact in the quality of your grass and landscaping the coming year.

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