samhain rituals and halloween

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Samhain marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year, for the Celts divided the year into two seasons: the light and the dark, at Beltane on May 1st and Samhain on November 1st. Some believe that Samhain was the more important festival, marking the beginning of a whole new cycle, just as the Celtic day began at night. For it was understood that in dark silence comes whisperings of new beginnings, the stirring of the seed below the ground. Whereas Beltane welcomes in the summer with joyous celebrations at dawn, the most magically potent time of this festival is November Eve, the night of October 31st, known today of course, as Halloween.

Samhain (Scots Gaelic: Samhuinn) literally means “summer's end.” In Scotland and Ireland, Halloween is known as O�che Shamhna, while in Wales it is Nos Calan Gaeaf, the eve of the winter's calend, or first. With the rise of Christianity, Samhain was changed to Hallowmas, or All Saints' Day, to commemorate the souls of the blessed dead who had been canonized that year, so the night before became popularly known as Halloween, All Hallows Eve, or Hollantide. November 2nd became All Souls Day, when prayers were to be offered to the souls of all who the departed and those who were waiting in Purgatory for entry into Heaven. Throughout the centuries, pagan and Christian beliefs intertwine in a gallimaufry of celebrations from Oct 31st through November 5th, all of which appear both to challenge the ascendancy of the dark and to revel in its mystery.

In the country year, Samhain marked the first day of winter, when the herders led the cattle and sheep down from their summer hillside pastures to the shelter of stable and byre. The hay that would feed them during the winter must be stored in sturdy thatched ricks, tied down securely against storms. Those destined for the table were slaughtered, after being ritually devoted to the gods in pagan times. All the harvest must be gathered in -- barley, oats, wheat, turnips, and apples -- for come November, the faeries would blast every growing plant with their breath, blighting any nuts and berries remaining on the hedgerows. Peat and wood for winter fires were stacked high by the hearth. It was a joyous time of family reunion, when all members of the household worked together baking, salting meat, and making preserves for the winter feasts to come. The endless horizons of summer gave way to a warm, dim and often smoky room; the symphony of summer sounds was replaced by a counterpoint of voices, young and old, human and animal.

In early Ireland, people gathered at the ritual centers of the tribes, for Samhain was the principal calendar feast of the year. The greatest assembly was the 'Feast of Tara,' focusing on the royal seat of the High King as the heart of the sacred land, the point of conception for the new year. In every household throughout the country, hearth-fires were extinguished. All waited for the Druids to light the new fire of the year -- not at Tara, but at Tlachtga, a hill twelve miles to the north-west. It marked the burial-place of Tlachtga, daughter of the great druid Mogh Ruith, who may once have been a goddess in her own right in a former age.

At at all the turning points of the Celtic year, the gods drew near to Earth at Samhain, so many sacrifices and gifts were offered up in thanksgiving for the harvest. Personal prayers in the form of objects symbolizing the wishes of supplicants or ailments to be healed were cast into the fire, and at the end of the ceremonies, brands were lit from the great fire of Tara to re-kindle all the home fires of the tribe, as at Beltane. As they received the flame that marked this time of beginnings, people surely felt a sense of the kindling of new dreams, projects and hopes for the year to come.

The Samhain fires continued to blaze down the centuries. In the 1860s the Halloween bonfires were still so popular in Scotland that one traveler reported seeing thirty fires lighting up the hillsides all on one night, each surrounded by rings of dancing figures, a practice which continued up to the first World War. Young people and servants lit brands from the fire and ran around the fields and hedges of house and farm, while community leaders surrounded parish boundaries with a magic circle of light. Afterwards, ashes from the fires were sprinkled over the fields to protect them during the winter months -- and of course, they also improved the soil. The bonfire provided an island of light within the oncoming tide of winter darkness, keeping away cold, discomfort, and evil spirits long before electricity illumined our nights. When the last flame sank down, it was time to run as fast as you could for home, raising the cry, “The black sow without a tail take the hindmost!”

Even today, bonfires light up the skies in many parts of the British Isles and Ireland at this season, although in many areas of Britain their significance has been co-opted by Guy Fawkes Day, which falls on November 5th, and commemorates an unsuccessful attempt to blow up the English Houses of Parliament in the 17th century. In one Devonshire village, the extraordinary sight of both men and women running through the streets with blazing tar barrels on their backs can still be seen! Whatever the reason, there will probably always be a human need to make fires against the winter’s dark.

Divination at Halloween
Samhain was a significant time for divination, perhaps even more so than May or Midsummer’s Eve, because this was the chief of the three Spirit Nights. Divination customs and games frequently featured apples and nuts from the recent harvest, and candles played an important part in adding atmosphere to the mysteries. In Scotland, a child born at Samhain was said to be gifted with an d� shealladh, “The Two Sights” commonly known as “second sight,” or clairvoyance.

Apple Magic
At the heart of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree whose fruit has magical properties. Old sagas tell of heroes crossing the western sea to find this wondrous country, known in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple harvest is in, and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin’ in Scotland, reflect the journey across water to obtain the magic apple.

Dookin' for Apples
Place a large tub, preferably wooden, on the floor, and half fill it with water. Tumble in plenty of apples, and have one person stir them around vigorously with a long wooden spoon or rod of hazel, ash or any other sacred tree.

Each player takes their turn kneeling on the floor, trying to capture the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing around. Each gets three tries before the next person has a go. Best to wear old clothes for this one, and have a roaring fire nearby so you can dry off while eating your prize!
If you do manage to capture an apple, you might want to keep it for a divination ritual, such as this one:

The Apple and the Mirror
Before the stroke of midnight, sit in front of a mirror in a room lit only by one candle or the moon. Go into the silence, and ask a question. Cut the apple into nine pieces. With your back to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, then throw the ninth over your left shoulder. Turn your head to look over the same shoulder, and you will see and in image or symbol in the mirror that will tell you your answer.

(When you look in the mirror, let your focus go "soft," and allow the patterns made by the moon or candlelight and shadows to suggest forms, symbols and other dreamlike images that speak to your intuition.)

Dreaming Stones
Go to a boundary stream and with closed eyes, take from the water three stones between middle finger and thumb, saying these words as each is gathered:

I will lift the stone
As Mary lifted it for her Son,
For substance, virtue, and strength;
May this stone be in my hand
Till I reach my journey’s end.

(Scots Gaelic)
Togaidh mise chlach,
Mar a thog Moire da Mac,
Air bhr�gh, air bhuaidh, ‘s air neart;
Gun robh a chlachsa am dh�rn,
Gus an ruig mi mo cheann uidhe.

Carry them home carefully and place them under your pillow. That night, ask for a dream that will give you guidance or a solution to a problem, and the stones will bring it for you.

Scooby Doo Themed Google Doodle For Halloween

In "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed," Scooby and the gang lose their cool - and their stellar reputation - when an anonymous masked villain wreaks mayhem on the city of Coolsville with a monster machine that re-creates classic Mystery Inc. foes like The Pterodactyl Ghost, The Black Knight and The 10,000 Volt Ghost. Under pressure from relentless reporter Heather Jasper-Howe (Silverstone) and the terrified citizens of Coolsville, the gang launches an investigation into the mysterious monster outbreak that leaves Shaggy and Scooby questioning their roles in Mystery Inc. The ever-ravenous duo, determined to prove they're great detectives, don a series of far-out disguises in their search for clues. Meanwhile, brainy Velma (Cardellini) becomes smitten with a key suspect, Coolsville Museum curator Patrick Wisely (Green), as macho leader Fred (Prinze Jr.) and image-conscious Daphne (Gellar) attempt to determine the identity of the Evil Masked Figure who is unleashing the monsters in an attempt to take over Coolsville.

Classic cartoons are effective because they’re amusing diversions from reality. In the shorts, Bugs Bunny always outsmarts and infuriates Elmer Fudd; Jerry always eludes Tom.

Cartoon shorts have no time to explore the inner motives for Yogi Bear’s kleptomania or the reason cartoon ducks always have speech impediments. They just expect us to recognize these stock characters and have fun with them.

Feature-length films, on the other hand, require depth and character growth that isn’t necessary in a 15-minute short. Though many film adaptations of cartoons add a literal third dimension to their characters, the film-makers seem to forget the need for narrative and psychological 3-D. Thus, films such as The Flintstones, Mr. Magoo and Josie and the Pussycats appear painfully shallow.

Click to enlargeThe Scooby-Doo franchise–especially Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed–seems to have transcended this frustrating trend. While the first film included the occultic elements of The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo (soul-stealing and real monsters) and the over-the-top caricatures of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (especially Fred, who was a bumbling moron in Scooby-Doo), the sequel sticks more to the tried-and-true formula of the traditional Scooby-Doo mysteries (a blend of red herrings, unmasked villains, celebrity cameos and necessary cliches).

Click to enlargeBoth films have nearly-flawless portrayals of the Mystery, Inc. gang (Matthew Lillard as Shaggy, Linda Cardellini as Velma, Sarah Michelle Gellar as Daphne and Freddie Prinze Jr. as Fred), and the second one includes a perfectly-cast Peter Boyle as Old Man Wickles, the stereotypical crotchety old villain. The film ventures further into nostalgia with several CGI versions of monsters from the original show.

Scooby-Doo 2 is jam-packed with tight, first-person camera shots (not unlike those of The Passion of the Christ, but with a very different effect). The shots are so in-your-face that one begins to wonder whether 3-D glasses should’ve been provided. This simply adds an original element to the typical Scooby-Doo chases and capitalizes on the fact that so many similar theme-park rides have been successful.

Click to enlarge Though Scooby-Doo 2 maintains the silliness of a cartoon, it counters that with the complexity of plot twists and a bit of character introspection. As in the first film, Scooby and the gang take turns wishing he or she played a different role in the group, spending unnecessary time trying to be something he or she is not (as we Christians are known to do). Even the patrons at The Faux Ghost, a watering hole for villains, are seen as people who aren’t happy with who they are and thus put on masks to become something more powerful and in-control.

Eventually, though, while the crooks remain insecure and self-hating, Mystery, Inc. learns to value both their strengths and their weaknesses as what makes them unique and indispensable.

Click to enlargeAnother moment of enlightenment comes in a formulaic crisis, when Velma is dangling over a chasm. The only way she’ll survive is if she lets go of the railing and gives control to a certain shady character. When asked to trust this person, she–in a wonderful display of human nature– says, “No, I only trust the facts.” Despite Velma’s brilliance, she could draw only on the facts she knew, which weren’t all of the facts. This could have been detrimental to her, but at that point, the other character asks, “What does your heart say?” and helps her make a faith-based decision. Sure, this is cheesy and cliche, but it also reminds me of Proverbs 3:5—“trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Ultimately, Scooby-Doo 2 offers mindless fun and a few simple lessons here and there. Yes, it’s cartoonishly silly, but it’s also substantially real. Though the inclusion of Batman, Don Knotts or The Harlem Globetrotters would’ve been a nice touch, the film is successfully true both to the letter and to the concepts of the original

Top 10 Halloween Pictures 2010 - 2011

This is A halloween pictures costumes for kids, woman, man and for all american. by the way, i still have any halloween pictures costumes and of all very beautiful for night hallowee.

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costumes halloween pictures for Man

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Halloween Pictures Costumes 2010

Halloween 2010 is fast approaching and many people are searching for cool and unique costume ideas for 2010 Halloween.

So we looked all over the world for the top 10 Holloween Costumes for 2010 and we’ve compiled it here for your viewing pleasure. Other than the normal costumes like pirates, cops, firemen and girl scouts, here are the top 10 Halloween costume searches for 2010.

Some unique 2010 Halloween costume ideas for you are listed below.

These are the top 2010 new Halloween Costumes:

11. Justin Bieber Halloween Costume 2010

10. Kanye West Halloween Costume 2010

9. Dirty Priest Halloween Costume 2010

8. Lady Gaga Meat Halloween Costume 2010

7. Glee / Gleek Halloween Costume 2010

6. Avatar Halloween Costume 2010

5. BP Oil Spill Halloween Costume 2010

4. Octomom Halloween Costume 2010

3. Lindsey Lohan (anything slutty w/ an Ankle Bracelet) Halloween Costume 2010

2. Jersey Shore Snooki Halloween Costume 2010

1. Antoine Dodson “They Rapin’ Everyone” “Hide yo’ Husbands” Halloween Costume 2010

Halloween Quotes From Celebrities Are Better

Halloween quotes are awesome and quite possibly some of the funniest quotes to read. This Halloween while you're out getting scared and frightened nearly to death come check out this
awesome collection of Halloween Quotes.

Halloween Quotes in October are a big thing, but did you know Halloween quotes are funny? Sure with Halloween being a scary holiday, one would think that we should be scared from Halloween Quotes, but instead their pretty freaking hilarious! Hilarious like getting a bag full of rocks from trick or treating on Halloween. Charlie Brown!

This year we have Halloween Quotes from Chris Rock, Gwen Stefani, January Jones and the legendary Rodney Dangerfield. So keep reading and check out GlobalGrind's favorite Halloween Quotes from Celebrities

Top 10 Halloween quotes 2010

Did you know Shutterfly loves Halloween? I mean, we REALLY love Halloween. Every year the company holds a costume party, contest included of course, and the competition is so fierce that I can’t even dream of winning.

Being costume-challenged doesn’t bother me though, because I enjoy the overall Halloween experience – the costumes, the Halloween candy, the decorations and atmosphere.

I’m even going to create a Halloween photo book capturing all the festivities…and here’s where my Halloween-ness will shine. I’m going use Halloween quotes to go with the pictures. There is nothing like a quote to give an image bigger impact.

If you plan on creating a Halloween photo book feel free to use my quotes idea. I won’t tell. In fact, I’ll even give you my top 10 favorites. If these don’t inspire, do a web search on “Halloween Quotes”, and you’ll find dozens of sites filled with sayings to get you in the Halloween Spirit.

My top 10 Halloween quotes
  1. Eat, drink and be scary. ~Author Unknown
  2. A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween. ~Erma Bombeck
  3. Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night. ~Steve Almond
  4. There is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask. ~Colette
  5. Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. ~Mason Cooley
  6. You wouldn’t believe, On All Hallow Eve, What lots of fun we can make, With apples to bob, And nuts on the hob, And a ring-and-thimble cake. ~Carolyn Wells
  7. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. ~William Shakespeare
  8. ‘Tis now the very witching time of night. ~William Shakespeare
  9. Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to. ~Richard Harris Barham
  10. There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin. ~Linus Van Pelt in It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Halloween quotes from USA celebrity

Need a laugh this morning? We’ve gathered some funny celebrity Halloween quotes and sayings to get you into the Halloween spirit! Celebs love Halloween too, as you can see from the Halloween quotes and sayings below. Here are some of our favorites:

Rodney Dangerfield – “On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me!”

Erma Bombeck – “A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween”

George Carlin – “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.”

Conan O’Brien – “This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him.”

Loretta Lynn – “We used to go around tipping outhouses over, or turning over corn shocks on Halloween.”

Henry David Thoreau - “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than sit on a crowded velvet cushion.”

Mark Twain - “Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.”

Linus Van Pelt – “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and The Great Pumpkin.

River Phoenix – “Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on.”

We’d love to hear any funny Halloween quotes and sayings that you know of!

Halloween quotes from

Need a laugh this morning? We’ve gathered some funny celebrity Halloween quotes and sayings to get you into the Halloween spirit! Celebs love Halloween too, as you can see from the Halloween quotes and sayings below.

Here are some of our favorites:

Rodney Dangerfield – “On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me!”

Erma Bombeck – “A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween”

George Carlin – “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.”

Conan O’Brien – “This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him.”

Loretta Lynn – “We used to go around tipping outhouses over, or turning over corn shocks on Halloween.”

Henry David Thoreau - “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than sit on a crowded velvet cushion.”

Mark Twain - “Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.”

Linus Van Pelt – “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and The Great Pumpkin.

River Phoenix – “Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on.”

We’d love to hear any funny Halloween quotes and sayings that you know of!

Effective Home Remedies For Common Illnesses

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When you suffer from common illnesses, you don't have to use common treatments. While science and modern medicine have created several effective treatments for different ailments, they often include many unwanted side-effects. The good news is that you can use various alternative medicines to treat such ailments. Here are some natural remedies for common illnesses:

1. Cold

While tons of manmade remedies are advertised on TV, periodicals, and the Net, you can also use natural remedies to help treat and prevent the symptoms of the common cold. One example is Astragalus. Chinese medicine has used this root since ancient times, to help prevent colds and flues. Another natural remedy is garlic. Scientists believe that the Allicin in garlic helps to battle bacteria and fungi.

2. Exhaustion

While energy drinks are the new craze in the world of pick-me-ups, they're often loaded with sugar and caffeine. Although they can make you more alert, there are more natural and healthier remedies. One of the best remedies is to spend some time in the sun. In fact, this treatment can benefit nearly any type of exhaustion. The sunlight can help to relax your muscles, while also infusing certain chemicals in your body (such as Vitamin D) that can improve your body's level of energy. You can also eat a healthier diet, to ensure that your body is receiving all the vitamins that it needs. Yet another way to naturally increase your energy levels is to exercise. While this may seem counterproductive at first, it actually jumpstarts your body's energy levels!

3. Headache

Headaches can range from slight to throbbing, making our lives miserable. While several medications are available, you can also use different natural remedies that don't produce the same unwanted side-effects. The key is to provide relief from the pain. One of the most effective ways is to determine what's causing your headaches, and then change your lifestyle accordingly. To treat the nausea caused by headaches, drink some peach juice. Ginger is another common remedy that herbalists use to treat headaches, so you could drink some ginger tea. Yet another method for treating headaches naturally is by receiving a head massage. Applying peppermint leaves or peppermint oil to your head is yet another natural way to treat headaches.

4. Stomachache

A stomachache can be a real paint-in-the-neck. But how can you treat it with a natural home remedy? One effective method is to create a concoction of mint juice, lime juice, ginger juice, and a little bit of black salt. Another natural mixture includes the ingredients of carom seeds, rock salt, and warm water. Yet another remedy for stomachaches is a combination of rock salt and dried celery leaves. When acidity causes the stomachache, you could simply drink some soda water. This will help to neutralize the stomach's acid. All of these remedies will help to treat tummy troubles that you're experiencing.

The next time you suffer from these common illnesses, consider using Mother Nature's remedies to treat them. They'll help you to feel like yourself again-the natural way!

Soma muscle relaxer and Flexeril muscle relaxer

Muscle injuries are among the most common problems to plague a lot of people at present. A lot of people tend to suffer from muscle injuries due to the simple problem that they tend to injure their muscles while going through the daily chores. Chances are you might be suffering from some minor or major muscle injury which must have caused you a lot of pain which is not easy to deal with.

Now in such a situation, I would suggest that you go for a good muscle relaxer. You can go for either the Soma muscle relaxer or the Flexeril muscle relaxer.

Soma Muscle Relaxer

A lot of people simply rely on the Soma muscle relaxer as it easily helps to do away with the pain and discomfort caused by the muscle injuries in almost any part of the body.

The Soma muscle relaxer has been developed in a way that it helps to relax the sore muscles and relieve the pain as well as discomfort in almost an instant.

The Soma Muscle relaxer has been deemed perfect by a lot of physicians for pains that are caused by muscle related injuries. However, it is important to understand that the medicine is actually not a pain killer, as a lot of people use it as a generic pain killer and then complain about the general physical pains.

The medicine has to be taken with a meal in the way it is prescribed by a physician. The medicine works in the best manner when it is combined with an efficient physical therapy as well as proper rest.

Flexeril Muscle Relaxer

The Flexeril muscle relaxer on the other hand is almost a popular alternative when the Son a muscle relaxer is not available for consumption. It not only relaxes the muscles but also takes care of the pain. The medicine also helps to do away with the discomfort which is caused by sprains, strains, spasms etc.

It is also meant to be taken with food to make sure that it does not cause an upset stomach.

It is very strongly suggested that a patient should really stick to consuming the Flexeril muscle relaxer, the way it is prescribed by a physician as due to its strong potency it can cause an addiction in people taking it to take care of their muscle pains.

Both the Soma and the Flexeril muscle relaxers are easily available online. One just has to find a good website.

Tramadol and Genric Fioricet

Pain relief medications are in vogue these days as today's lifestyle causes a lot of problems which can cause a lot of pain the various parts of the body.

The market currently has a lot of options when it comes to the pain relief medications, however two names are above all; Tramadol pain medication and Generic Fioricet. Here is a look at these two:


The generic Fioricet is a very popular medicine prescribed by the physicians fro taking care of the pain caused by migraine. The medicine offers a potent combination of both the butalbital and caffeine in combination with the very effective acetaminophen.

The medicine has proven to be very efficient as a relaxant. The generic Fioricet has also been termed very successful when used as a pain relief medication. It is also found to be helpful in constricting the blood vessels.

The medicine is regularly prescribed the physicians so that it can help the patients in getting rid of the terrible tension headaches. Also a lot of patients have reportedly benefited from it when they have to take care of their bad headaches. The medicine has become really popular among patients looking for an effective treatment of migraine.


A lot of people will swear by Tramadol pain medication and its advantages as they take it on a regular basis. This is because the people who buy Tramadol are the ones who are going through a treatment which requires a regular dosage of the pain relief medication.

Tramadol is counted among the most potent pain relief medications. The medicine works like magic. This makes it a favorite among physicians as well as the patients.

A lot of physicians suggest that their patients should go ahead and buy Tramadol to take care of their physical pains. A number of patients who suffered from pain due to getting into serious accidents are usually put on a treatment where they need to consume Tramadol on a regular basis.

The Tramadol pain medication is actually very potent and even moving a little away from the prescribed dosage and frequency can cause a patient to be addicted to the medicine. Also, when suddenly a patient stops taking the medicine, he or she can suffer from some withdrawal symptoms. Hence any sudden increase or decrease in the medicine's consumptions should not be instituted without consulting a physician.

Both the medicines are easily available online at affordable prices.