Panin Insurance ahold of 56.74% Shares Panin Life

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ownership stake in PT Panin Insurance Tbk with PT Panin Life Tbk as much as 13,597,401,376 shares or 56.74% of the total issued and fully paid shares of the company. Total ownership of these shares after the company melaksanaan preemptive rights (ER) in the context of limited public offering (LPO) VI Panin Life of 7,446,762,688 shares.

Pascapelaksanaan Rights, Panin Life shares outstanding increased to 23,965,013,352 shares from 11,982,506,676 shares previously.

"ER was carried out at a price of Rp 125 per share," said Director Panin Insurance Syamsul Hidayat in his explanation to the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSE), Tuesday (05/09).

Earlier on July 13 to August 25, 2006, Panin Life execute their rights in the framework of the LPO VI 11.982.506.676 sheet. As of August 8 and then or before the implementation of the ER ended, Panin Panin Life Insurance became the controlling ownership to 6.39 billion shares (52.81%), followed by Peter Cundill & Associates (Bermuda) Ltd (7.85%), and MS + CD AC Client Int Ltd (7.32%).

The rest is controlled by the other shareholders, including public ownership under 5%. The number of shares listed Panin Life when it reached 12.10 billion shares.