Secret Behind Christmas Day

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Celebration Dec. 25 was derived from the pagan celebration of Ancient Rome (Romana), not Greek (Greek). Jerusalem and its surroundings in the period before and after the Prophet Isa was born under the authority of the Roman empire.

The Romans when it embraced the pagan deities with the worship which is very large and very popular indulgence in physical pleasure. They consider the perfect body, outer beauty, it is very important and physical pleasure is a pleasure to be pursued forever. Therefore, men of Rome are very fond of sports that could form the physical strength, increase body muscles, and also treat the whole body. Now, the custom of Rome man was inherited by the so-called metrosexual man.

While the women of Rome, also a high value on the side of his body and sensuality. They will be very proud if being chased by many men. Even if the woman is no secret that time Rome belomba-race to be a "trophy passed around" the men of Rome. February 14, always eagerly awaited by their desire to satisfy lusts low by holding a party in the entire city. This is now celebrated by many as a Valentine's Day, which actually comes from the Feast Day of Adultery.

Core beliefs of pagan Rome came from two sources, namely Osirian tradition of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian magical sciences. Both joined and is now known as Kabbalah. They have special days are celebrated every year, including December 25 is celebrated as the birthday boy or sun-god Sol Invictus. Some experts consider the term "Son of the Sun God" is also ascribed to Nimrod, King of Babylon, who chased Prophet Ibrahim

They believe the child god of the sun was born on Sunday. So they named the day of week of the Sun Day, the Day of the Sun. They also worship in the day. All this was adopted Christianity until now.

Christmas Day has a meaning as the Day of Birth. Only the Western Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th, while the Eastern Church does not acknowledge Christmas on December 25 it. Funnily enough, in 1994, Pope John Paul II himself had announced to his people if Jesus was not born on December 25. The date was chosen because it is a mid-winter celebration of the pagan. At that time Catholics uproar, even though many historians have stated if December 25 is actually the birth date of many pagan gods such as Osiris, Attis, Tammuz, Adonis, Dionysus, and others.

The real story about Christmas day we can find on the internet, other antaa posts made by Father Herbert W. Armstrong, Christian historians who oppose many things about Christmas on December 25. What many people do not know, the whole basis of Christianity is now the building is actually built on the basic framework Osirian renewal rites in ancient Egypt. Some of them are:

First, Jesus is considered a child of God, this is the same as Dionysus cult beliefs existing centuries before Jesus was born.

Second, Jesus was born in a stable, just like the story of Horus was born in the temple of Isis-cage.

Third, Jesus turned water into wine in a wedding in Qana, the same as what is done Dionysius.

Fourth, Jesus raised people from the dead and heal the blind, is the same as the god Aesculapius;

Fifth, Jesus was believed to rise from the dead in stone tombs, just like Mithra.

Sixth, Jesus held the Last Supper with bread and wine ritual in which up to now is still running in the churches, but the ritual of bread and wine is an important symbol in Osirian tradition, and also almost all the pagan rituals of worship Gods The Dead as well as admirer Dionysus and Tammuz;

Seventh, Jesus calls himself the good shepherd, it mimics the role of Tammuz, which previously had been known for centuries as a god shepherd;

Eighth, the term 'The Christ' written in early Christianity 'Christos', often confused with other words in Greek, Chrestos, which means good-hearted or soft. A number of Greek Gospel manuscripts from the early days even use the word Chrestos in place that should be written by Christos. The people in those days was commonly known as one nickname Chrestos Isis. An inscription at Delos says Chreste Isis.

Ninth, in the Gospel of John 12: 24, Jesus says, "If the wheat does not fall to the ground and dies, it remains a single seed, but if he dies he will bear much fruit." The parable and the concept is clearly derived from the concept of ritual Osirian;

Tenth, in the Gospel of John 14:2 Jesus says, "In my father's house are many mansions." It really comes from Osiris and copy-paste from the Book of the Dead, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead that are believed stored in the city of death, Hamunaptra . This is just some examples.

Cross symbol formerly used by Christianity to the present (also Catholic) is clearly a symbol of ancient Osirian. Even the Coptic Christians in Egypt took the ankh symbol, the cross of Osiris in the original form, as a symbol of his movement. There are many more similarities concept of Christianity with pagan religions of ancient Egypt, as in the resurrection of Jesus from his death, the figure of Mary Magdalene and her role with Jesus, the rite of baptism by John, and so forth.

Well, now is the fact if the world's cultural hegemony of Christianity has been the world, including in Indonesia, acknowledged or not. Indeed, the hegemony of the world today is the culture that depart from the faith Kabbalah.

About the Indians who had converted to Islam before Columbus came to America, please Googling it with the words "They Came Before Columbus".