Essential Invisible Window Grilles Information Before Buying

Saturday, October 6, 2012

By Chee Junn Yeow

Securing your home or business from intruders is a top priority in the lives of business owners and ordinary people alike. Basic latching your windows is rarely enough, and in places where crime is high, they will be easily and quickly bypassed. Luckily, invisible window grilles are available for residential and commercial installation to keep potential criminals away from your hard-earned valuables and, most importantly, your family and loved ones.

Since a lot of windows are largely glass, they shatter fairly easily. Even the double-paned glass only needs a few good sized rocks thrown at it to have it eventually crack and shatter, granting access to whomever wishes to get in to your building. Alarm systems are costly, and can lose it's effectiveness over time, given a high enough rate of crime.

These systems are easy to install, and assist in deterring crime. By openly showing that you're willing to safeguard your assets, thieves will be less likely to even attempt a break in. The grilles are discreet enough, however, that you need not worry that they'll draw additional attention from those who want to cause trouble. With the grilles in place, even if the thieves break the window, they'll be unable to get in.

Every cable that is installed goes through the same trials and protective measures before sale. The cables are coated in clear epoxy and an anti-rust spray before being subjected to rigorous high-tension tests. These tests often exceed 200 lbs of tension!

Just as the name suggests, invisible grilles are "unseen". Since this security system is made up of 2.0- 2.3 mm of stainless steel, they are designed to let in ample light. Because of the way they are designed, it is possible for the occupants of a home or business to enjoy the view outside.

Since invisible grilles have the word invisible right in their name, it's safe to assume they're fairly discreet. Made from 2.0 - 2.3 mm stainless steel, the gaps are large enough and the cables thin enough that you no longer have to effectively shut your business or home away from the world. Industry professionals recommend a gap of between 2" and 4", with 2" being the preferred gap size since not many thieves can fit through an opening that small. You no longer have to sleep with the air conditioner on now, either, as you can sleep with your windows open to get some fresh air at night!

Additional security measures, while sometimes a good idea, are generally not necessary. This only adds costs in maintenance and installation when you've already got a system in place, basically beating a dead horse. If installed with another visual measure, the combination can actually attract thieves!

Used in many commercial and rental properties, invisible window grilles are making quite the name for themselves. A high-value investment to protect your assets, they can even come with a lifetime warranty. You shouldn't have to worry about the safety and security of your loved ones and the life you've worked to build!

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