Christina Hendricks Breasts Make Men Klepek-Klepek. Big breasted actress Christina Hendricks was elected as the sexiest woman in the United States Esquiere magazine.
LOS ANGELES-large breasts Artist Christina Hendricks was elected as the sexiest woman in the United States Esquiere magazine.
Hendricks defeated another candidate like Adriana Lima and Megan Fox, by obtaining 30 per cent of men who choose it, quoted okezone from Hollyscoop.
Inside the magazine, Hendricks was writing a letter that describes the desire of men. "We love you. If we fell in love with you, we love you. Kegendutanmu, everything," explained the Showbizspy.
"Talking about your body. You do not understand the power of your body odor itself. A woman, who is now undergoing a relationship with a man must be part of it, because he liked the smell of his body," he said.
"We always remember what you say about another woman's body shape. It is not because we do not accept comments. But learning what you thought how sexy we can make it happen," he explained.
"The man who always looked at breast konstran us, not the man who made us interested," he said.
For Hendricks himself, the man who made him interested is Geoffrey Arend, whom she married since 2009.