Tomorrow, December 25, 2010, Christians will celebrate Christmas Day. Day which is celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, the savior of the humans who come into the world in human form.
As a religious, symbol laden Christmas day. Every time Christians celebrate, there is a profound reflection of how precious human soul so that God himself had come to save mankind. The importance of the soul leaving the cause of God Himself with all its grandeur and splendor of the Creator, and chose to declare himself emptied Himself to His people, declaring his love to them and expect them to believe in Him. Even for that, man, He was willing to die on the cross. This is a very inspiring story to this generation. We need to learn how to understand how valuable human beings that God cared.
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Why? Because human values are now increasingly faded. The relationship between the members in this country is dominated by a desire to get rid of. The clash between fellow colored by anger to release the others from the community. Selfishness and the desire to fulfill ourselves so strong that we no longer find the sincerity in social relations.
Everything is now measured not by the size of humanity, but property and objects. What used, eaten, seen, owned, it is now more meaningful than its existence as a human. Everywhere, even when celebrating Christmas though, the humans dressed up, dressed as if it was more valuable than himself. Yasraf Piliang wrote in his essay, the world is like running hard away from the Lord. The world we live logic losing his deity. Instead, the world build their own logic, which is full of imagination. But it all comes down to the denial of the value and dignity of humanity.
Politics dizahlimi so that it becomes dirty. Economic dinista so laden with pressure in humans. Social life used as a tool to destroy. Culture system designed to generate false excitement. The whole dynamics of the society subjugated to a system that was very fake, full of dehumanization. That's why the universe evolved deraslah with prostitution, murder, robbery, violence and various other social pathologies.
God knows all that. Just as in his time he looked pathetic human life at that time so he decided to come and visit even though the atmosphere is very sorrow, now Christmas was celebrated with the arrival of God's hope that inspires us all.
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This Christmas should bring us all on reflection, is it true we are concern the degree of our humanity, our environment, and our nation? Is it true that this Christmas brings that same spirit with the spirit of God when it comes, that is to update and save the humanity of man, or something else?
This Christmas should inspire us to look at ourselves, our environment, and our nation honestly. We must bring back the humanity in the most important place as an ongoing pursuit for the nation. Christmas is right is when we are in the celebrations are "united" by nature with Him, who views the world with a heart that lara and grief. True Christmas is when we have the same heart with God, who willingly gave Himself for man, then we want to do something no matter how small it is, for people, for others, for our nation and for this country. Merry Christmas December 25, 2010.
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