1. Cold
While tons of manmade remedies are advertised on TV, periodicals, and the Net, you can also use natural remedies to help treat and prevent the symptoms of the common cold. One example is Astragalus. Chinese medicine has used this root since ancient times, to help prevent colds and flues. Another natural remedy is garlic. Scientists believe that the Allicin in garlic helps to battle bacteria and fungi.
2. Exhaustion
While energy drinks are the new craze in the world of pick-me-ups, they're often loaded with sugar and caffeine. Although they can make you more alert, there are more natural and healthier remedies. One of the best remedies is to spend some time in the sun. In fact, this treatment can benefit nearly any type of exhaustion. The sunlight can help to relax your muscles, while also infusing certain chemicals in your body (such as Vitamin D) that can improve your body's level of energy. You can also eat a healthier diet, to ensure that your body is receiving all the vitamins that it needs. Yet another way to naturally increase your energy levels is to exercise. While this may seem counterproductive at first, it actually jumpstarts your body's energy levels!
3. Headache
Headaches can range from slight to throbbing, making our lives miserable. While several medications are available, you can also use different natural remedies that don't produce the same unwanted side-effects. The key is to provide relief from the pain. One of the most effective ways is to determine what's causing your headaches, and then change your lifestyle accordingly. To treat the nausea caused by headaches, drink some peach juice. Ginger is another common remedy that herbalists use to treat headaches, so you could drink some ginger tea. Yet another method for treating headaches naturally is by receiving a head massage. Applying peppermint leaves or peppermint oil to your head is yet another natural way to treat headaches.
4. Stomachache
A stomachache can be a real paint-in-the-neck. But how can you treat it with a natural home remedy? One effective method is to create a concoction of mint juice, lime juice, ginger juice, and a little bit of black salt. Another natural mixture includes the ingredients of carom seeds, rock salt, and warm water. Yet another remedy for stomachaches is a combination of rock salt and dried celery leaves. When acidity causes the stomachache, you could simply drink some soda water. This will help to neutralize the stomach's acid. All of these remedies will help to treat tummy troubles that you're experiencing.
The next time you suffer from these common illnesses, consider using Mother Nature's remedies to treat them. They'll help you to feel like yourself again-the natural way!