Halloween 2010 is fast approaching and many people are searching for cool and unique costume ideas for 2010 Halloween.

So we looked all over the world for the top 10 Holloween Costumes for 2010 and we’ve compiled it here for your viewing pleasure. Other than the normal costumes like pirates, cops, firemen and girl scouts, here are the top 10 Halloween costume searches for 2010.
Some unique 2010 Halloween costume ideas for you are listed below.

These are the top 2010 new Halloween Costumes:
11. Justin Bieber Halloween Costume 2010
10. Kanye West Halloween Costume 2010
9. Dirty Priest Halloween Costume 2010
8. Lady Gaga Meat Halloween Costume 2010
7. Glee / Gleek Halloween Costume 2010
6. Avatar Halloween Costume 2010
5. BP Oil Spill Halloween Costume 2010
4. Octomom Halloween Costume 2010
3. Lindsey Lohan (anything slutty w/ an Ankle Bracelet) Halloween Costume 2010
2. Jersey Shore Snooki Halloween Costume 2010
1. Antoine Dodson “They Rapin’ Everyone” “Hide yo’ Husbands” Halloween Costume 2010