Valentine's Day & The phenomenon of Muslims Recency

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentine's Day which falls every year on February 14, often used as a moment to express affection to those who loved. But verily, it is Valentine's Day has nothing to do with the love taught by Islam.

Therefore, before the Muslims trapped further and went along with celebrating the Pagan tradition, we should bear examined a little history behind Valentine's day celebration that continues entrenched, not only in adolescents, but even among the elderly.

Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome in the century III. He lived in the kingdom which was led by Emperor Cladius notoriety .. Cladius ambition is to have a large military force, he wants all the men in kerajaannnya join in it. However, unfortunately, this desire is not supported because the men do not want to leave family and her lover. This makes Cladius angry, he immediately ordered officials to conduct a crazy idea.

Cladius think that if men do not marry, they would gladly join the military. Then Cladius prohibit the marriage. The young couple then consider this decision was unreasonable. Because of the Saint (a generous term for jihad for the sake of the Christian religion) St. Valentine refused to carry it out.

St. Valentine continued to carry out his duties as pastor of married couples who have fallen in love even in secret. This action was eventually known by the Emperor who immediately gave him a warning, but he ignored and remain blessed the wedding in a small chapel lit only by candlelight.

Until one night, he caught one of the blessed couple. The couple managed to escape, but the unfortunate St. Valentine was caught. He was thrown into prison and sentenced to death with decapitated. Instead of being humiliated by the people of St.. Valentine even visited by many people who support their actions, they threw flowers and messages of support on the windows prison where he was detained.

One of the people who believe in love that love is the daughter of the prison guards themselves. The father allows his daughter to visit St.Valentine. Not infrequently they talked a long time. The girl grow back the spirit of the preacher. He agrees that St.Valentine has done the right thing.

On the day when he was decapitated, namely February 14 St. Valentine took writing a message to the jailer's daughter. He wrote "With love from your Valentine" (From your Valentine.) Message that is then changed everything. Now every February 14, people around the world celebrate it as a day of love. To remember the services St. Valentine as a warrior of love, while Cladius remembered as someone who tried to get rid of love.

Conscious or not, is aware of this moment has been long adapted by Muslims who turned out to greatest effect on morals, especially the youth. Indeed the Muslim youth are expected to seek the true identity is not soluble in the celebration of valentine's day which is not a Muslim crocodile. Hope it is very far from our expectations, even though Islam forbids it but some people keep these hard moments, caused by the blind Muslim teenagers history of the celebration of Valentine's Day.

Among young people is closely katannya with "trend setter". That is, the cultural center of intense discussion, anything that catches attention would quickly ditanggap by adolescents because it includes the process of finding their identity. So, do not be surprised if we find teenagers who do not know the origin of valentine day but they are dissolved in it because of lack of awareness to find out.

Zaman also participate in the association erode Islamic carvings adolescents. That is, teenagers slowly will support a foreign culture and increasingly erode the culture of Islam, do not be surprised if very difficult to separate the "image" among teenagers and sex. Because adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the influence of culture leads to a more negative things than positive things.

Any event related to teenage sex will be waged for the incorporated therein. Muslim teens who are not steadfast faith and resilience of establishment, will be easily influenced by foreign cultures because it raises more pleasure from the thought of sin. Teenagers today are more likely lured by the smell of things entertainment / even though they knew the consequences of their actions.

Therefore God is affirmed in the letter of Al-Kahf verse 13: "We tell their story to you (Muhammad) with truth. Surely they were youths who believed in their Lord and We add to those instructions "From the verse mentioned above, it is clear that God will provide a threat to those who follow foreign traditions, especially traditions that do not exist in Islamic teachings.

The phenomenon of the celebration of Valentine's day which arise at this time, it can be said to be a culture that is more directed to the negative things. Interaction style that is raised away from the teachings of Islam. Then later, the interaction style that is emulated by the youth of Islam today. As a result, many teens are wrong in the mix. Free sex is a new trend for teens, and a host of other social forces that are considered youth as a new trend that should not be missed.

Ironically, valentine day's celebration was not only celebrated by adolescents. But almost all walks of life celebrate it without feeling guilty. Including parents, young couple who were intoxicated by love, each one share interest in the people whom he loved as a proof of love and affection. This phenomenon is prominent among the Muslims.

We must realize that Islam never teaches to give love to others at certain times, let alone relate their Valentine's Day. Islam teaches that every Muslim to love each other in every moment and opportunity. Because the hadith the Prophet said that "Not perfect faith that a Muslim until he loves someone else, as he loves himself."